Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10

Design & Technologies

Week one: Industry overview

Learning outcomes

  • Outline the role of wool in Australia’s economy
  • Describe at a high level the global wool supply chain
  • Identify Australia’s key wool-growing areas
  • Describe the main types of wool produced in Australia and their applications

Lesson ideas

The first week of the Merino wether challenge is the ideal time to introduce your students to the wool industry.

Encourage students to work their way through Modules 1 – 4 of the Wool Appreciation Course on the Woolmark Learning Centre.

Allow students to explore the range of resources listed here. Perhaps groups of students could work together to create their own factsheet or presentation outlining the key aspects of one component of the global wool supply chain that interests them or explain to the class why the wool industry is important both locally, nationally and internationally.  The results could be combined to create a class compendium on Australia’s wool industry.